Repainting W2 249

After 18 years of wearing a makeshift “what if” colour scheme for a proposed tourist tramway in Canberra that never eventuated, the museum’s Melbourne W2 class tram No. 249 will be receiving a well deserved repaint back into the traditional MMTB Green and Cream colour scheme it wore for much of its service life. The tram will represent the early version of this colour scheme, known for having features such as green windows, gold lining, deep brunswick green bumpers and the placement of the car number and MMTB logo on the end saloon panels. The marker lights, which were a later 1970’s addition, will be removed. Work is expected to continue over the next few months heading into the new year.


13th November

16th November

20th November

Work continues on removing the decals, whilst the task of sanding back the paint begins on at least one end saloon panel.

30th November

Photo by Michael Hatton

Surface preparation continues on 249’s exterior, whilst it is in the workshop for light re-wiring and marker light removal.

4th December

Whilst work starts on end apron refurbishment and repairs, Ian Hanson and Chris Jacobs have simultaneously begun applying undercoat to the windows and tram body, using a special mixture that Ian has made up himself. It is said to be comprised of 50% primer, 50% paint and 20% Turpentine.

18th December

Progress has continued on the undercoating, with Richard Jones, Ian Hanson and Vic Solomons undertaking much of this task. End apron repairs have also continued with many holes now filled in, and corroded edges treated with rust killer.

21st December

Further undercoating has been completed by Vic Solomons. Both sides of the tram are now complete, with progress on the roof fascia and end aprons continuing.