A warm welcome for club visits

A great variety of clubs and friendship groups visit our Museum.

The greatest number are from that part of the population who are blessed with memories long enough to remember trams.

While we have some interstate and even some overseas trams, for those groups who remember trams, we concentrate on the Sydney trams of their youth. The memories just flood back!

Whether your group is simply a group of friends who love a little travel, a church group, a bridge club, one of golf tragics, a service club or maybe a Probus Club, you’ll enjoy a day with us.

tramEveryone enjoys a tram ride!

Well, just one isn’t enough. There’s usually time for two trips. Two different trams, one of those nice, modern, soft seater corridor trams does the honours on a Bushland Cruise right into the Royal National Park.

Then on a different line, we run an older style tram in the opposite direction up to Sutherland – and return, of course!

And why not see some of the really old trams, especially those which ran on the turn of the century. We are always keen to provide guided group tours in our Display Hall showing the evolution of Sydney’s trams .

Morning tea is important!


We usually take our morning tea or coffee in the historic, huge Railway Square waiting shed, which was lovingly dismantled and brought to our Museum. It now boasts picnic benches and tables!

Morning tea can be on your arrival or, if preferred, after the first tram ride. While most groups bring their own or are catered for by their bus or coach, we can help here, if required. We have tea and coffee plus other light refreshments.

While most groups vanish to a local club for lunch, some prefer to stay and enjoy it at the Museum. If your group might fancy a Loftus Lean Meat Pie (or sausage rolls or pasties) with other light refreshments, we can help here but we’ll need to know in advance as we keep such items on short order to ensure their freshness.

Cost? We’re so cheap!

Seniors are only asked to part with $20. This includes the rides and guided tour.

Food purchased is extra of course.

picnic sheltere and parkKeen tram fans might like want our bargain priced Visitors’ Guide, a coloured guide book priced (at the Museum only) for just $9. It can be bought at the Green Tram Bookshop.

Where are we?

Please see our location page which also explains how you might choose to come by train.

Booking is so easy!

We have a special email, groupbookings@sydneytrams.org.au , and Group Booking Line 9542 3604 which is staffed on Mondays to Fridays during business hours. (This is diverted to a mobile, so on rare occasions, if it is out of range or cannot be answered immediately, please try again a little later.)

top photograph: Liam Brundle; bottom picture, Josh Dreves.s