Would you like to join us as a volunteer?
We are an all volunteer organization.
We currently need more volunteers to fill vacancies in a variety of positions in the museum. Can you help by giving some of your valuable time? No matter what your skills are we should be able to find a worthwhile job for you to do. You could be involved in tram restoration or repairs, site maintenance, cleaning, recycling of waste materials, painting, electrical or mechanical duties, fund raising, administrative or secretarial duties or dealing with the public. The possibilities are endless.
And if you have a dream of learning to become a conductor and perhaps work towards becoming a driver, there’s a lot you can learn, especially about safe-working – we’re very proud of our safety record. However note there are a number of requirements that must be met to be a conductor (and then driver), not only is it a ‘customer facing’ role you will be expected to sell museum tickets the way they did in the days of old – using a change bag and ticket book, so you need to be able to give your passengers the correct change doing the sums in your head. No calculators allowed!
At present generally there are people working behind the scenes at the museum on Wednesdays and Saturdays, although we are only open to the public on Wednesdays, Sundays and public holidays as advertised. You do not necessarily have to attend on the same day every week. It is up to you. The hours that you work can also be tailored to suit you. Naturally if you wish to be involved in operating the trams you have to undergo a training program, and you would need to be available on those days when we are open to the public. For those that may be interested, our ‘Safety Management System’ documentation, the ‘bible’ of our museum is on this web site. Check it out.
Why not make your first call to the recruiting hotline 9542 3604 or email us at enquries@sydneytramwaymuseum.com.au where we can arrange an interview for you. Monday to Friday during business hours is best.