August 2020
After a long hiatus, the installation of the pull offs on the curve to the level crossing has been undertaken. Recent storms (August 2020) caused some damage in this area and while addressing those issues, the work to install the extra pull offs on the curve was undertaken.
Emergency storm repairs were undertaken on the weekend of the 15th of August 2020 and the opportunity was taken to complete the installation of one pair of pull offs. This used the railway style ‘bracket arms’ we obtained a number of years ago. The following weekend the next pair were installed.
Further work is required in this area. The National Park line section isolator is not a pantograph-compatible type and will be replaced along with other adjustment work in the next few weeks.
October 2020
Final works in this section were undertaken on the 10th of October 2020, and included the replacement of the old section isolator with a brand new pantograph-compatible one. A further set of pull offs on the curve approaching the isolator were also installed.
Below shows the end result of these works, as seen a few days later.
The work involved in this area now makes the route to No.2 substation pantograph-compatible and will put less stress on the trolley wheels of the older pole-mounted trams as the wire is more centrally aligned to the tracks.